Q: What does Dare to Live mean to you?
Graham: There's a difference between living and existing. Daring to live takes courage. It's a dare. Have a go. See what the outcome is.
I'm sure you'll like it.
Q: What is Dare to Live streetwear?
Graham: We were born into this planet and we gotta' choose: Do we exist or do we Dare to live - that's where this comes from. We're just taking it to another level with the apparel.
Tui: This is something I've seen you live by, I mean – it's tattooed on your arm – but it's something I believe in as well. I believe it's important to make that choice - to live and not just survive. Those are conversations the pair of us have had and its culminated in these designs.
Q: Why should people want to wear Dare to Live Streetwear over other brands?
Graham: We've spent a lot of time over the last 12 months looking at other brands, looking at what people are wearing, dresses, tshirts, hoodies, and the conclusion we drew was there was nothing out there that makes a statement - it's all pretty generic, vanilla... almost. That's why we came up with Dare to Live Streetwear. A lot of people ask me in terms of the tattoo what does it mean, and it's the start of the a conversation that can go off in many directions. Most people get it, some people don't.
Tui: I agree with Graham, I feel that many of the designs available are very americanized regurgitations of designs we've all seen before, so it's about offering a choice. On top of that, we've paired with a New Zealand print company that source quality garments, and print to order - (no mass production - which means less waste, yay!) and ship internationally.